Dragon Boating Info

Information regarding the actual activity of Dragon Boating such as terminology, safety, equipment, etc.
Info on seat positions, responsibilities, etc.
- 20 paddlers
- drummer
- steers person
- To be added in the future
- Dragon Boats are PADDLED by PADDLERS; they are not rowed!
- PADDLES UP – paddles above the water ready to take a stroke. Commonly used for starting the movement of the boat in non-race situations.
- TAKE IT AWAY – command to start paddling.
- PADDLES DOWN – command to stop paddling.
- LET IT RUN – paddling stops and boat coasts to a stop on its own.
- HOLD THE BOAT – hold the boat, once the boat has stopped, by holding your paddle in the water, perpendicular to the side of the boat.
- CHECK – bring the boat to a stop by pulling back on the paddle (reverse paddle)
- DRAW – lean out and pull water with your paddle perpendicular to the boat
- PRY – the opposite of DRAW. If they DRAW on one side, they PRY on the other. Pull the water on one side and push the water away on the other.
- FEATHER – make figure 8’s with the paddle flat on the water. This will keep the boat stable if there needs to be movement on the boat.
- READY, READY – race command in a start situation for paddles to be placed in position for the first stroke.
- SERIES – a combination of strokes during a race, often a set of 10 or 20 strokes that are quicker and more forceful.
- ATTENTION PLEASE – the announcer is about to start the race.
- BACK IT DOWN – reverse paddle to back the boat away from the start line.
Typically, each persons paddle length is based upon their height. The club Information Booklet contains a chart showing paddle length based upon persons height.
Vests (flotation device)
Info to be added
Seat cushion
Optional – info to be added
A guidebook on what we are as a team and things to know if you are interested in being a club member. Link to the book.
Links to specific pages on our site: