One of the fundamental goals of the club is to make the cost of participation for our members to be as affordable as possible so as to not make it cost prohibitive for everyone to join and participate FULLY.
To make that possible and keep membership costs down, fundraising is a key part of life in the club. All members are encouraged to join in on all of the fundraising activities so we can share the load and share the joy of this key club activity.
Below are some of the details about the various ways that we fundraise and how members can join in.

Dragon Wing Begonias & Geraniums
This is our largest and most successful annual project. Our members sell the begonias to family, friends, and neighbours. We start selling around the beginning of March and delivery is around the second weekend in May. After a number of years selling only the Dragon Wing Begonias, last year we introduced the sale of Geraniums as well. Since the Geraniums were popular with many people we have included them in this years fundraiser as well.
We source the begonias and geraniums from a fantastic grower that delivers them to a couple of distribution locations within the Ottawa area where they can be picked up by those that purchase them or we can arrange local delivery as well.
Click on the picture to link to the Dragon Wing Begonia & Geraniums page for more details on the project, how you can participate, how to order, and testimonials from past participants / purchasers.

Glebe Garage Sale - May 24, 2025
Every year the City of Ottawa hosts the Glebe Garage Sale. This year we will be participating by hosting a table or two of items for sale in the garage sale. More details will be provided in the near future.

50 / 50 Draws
For the past two seasons we held 50/50 draw events and we had a good response. As we ramp up for the 2025 season we plan to hold another 50/50 event so stay tuned for more details soon. Follow the link to the Fundraising 50/50 page to see news about previous draws and winners.
New 50/50 draw event information will be made available in the future, stay tuned.
Links to specific pages on our site: